They make new servers almost all the time, you can never tell.
Get a new webkinz and make a new account.
you cant restart but you can go start on a new evony world
you go to the ps3 account station and they will give you the password to your new account. sukka
i never heard of people having to make a new account
Evony age II is now out.
Go to Click New comer Do simple quests Save the game, either connect to fb or use a normal un used email address
They make new servers almost all the time, you can never tell.
go to then click new comer and when you save it, you add your email address or fb account
Get a new webkinz and make a new account.
you cant restart but you can go start on a new evony world
Evony version keeps going up. Nearly every day they put out a new patch.
you can't make a new account
make a new facebook or my space account and u get a new yoville account with it with 16yocash to start with
Sorry, you can't make a new penguin on the same account. :(-sorry
you go to the ps3 account station and they will give you the password to your new account. sukka make new account!