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Moshlings are pets for your Moshi Monster and do not grow.

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Q: How do you make moshlings grow quickly on moshi monsters?
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Why won't any moshlings come on Moshi Monsters?

Moshlings are attracted by certain seed combinations, but the seeds need to grow into flowers and some of the flowers needs to be a specific color. If your flowers do not grow into the specific color needed to attract a moshling, the moshling will not come to your Moshling Garden.

What are all the ways to get moshlings on Moshi Monsters?

1) Free Basic Members and paid Moshi Members can get moshlings by growing flowers that attract them. Seeds to grow the flowers can be bought from the Moshling Seed Cart on Main Street or Super Seeds (paid members) at the Port. Codes for special seeds come with certain Moshi Monsters products. 2) Paid Moshi Members can get moshlings by completing Super Moshi Missions. 3) Paid Moshi Members can get moshlings by finding a golden Moshling egg on Main Street. Take the egg to your Moshling Garden and incubate it in the Egg Hatching Machine to hatch a moshling. Nurtured eggs will hatch faster but be careful to only click it three times a day.

What plants do you have to plant on Moshi Monsters?

The kind of seeds you need depend on the moshling you are trying to attract. Seeds to grow the flowers can be bought from the Moshling Seed Cart on Main Street or Super Seeds (paid members) at the Port. You get some moshlings when you complete Super Moshi Missions. You have to be a paid Moshi Member to be a Super Moshi.

How long do you wait for moshlings on moshi monsters?

If your monster is happy and healthy, it will take about 4 to 6 hours for the Moshling seeds to grow into plants and attract a Moshling. If your monster is not happy and healthy, it will take longer.

How do you check the color of your seeds on moshi monsters?

The only way to know the the color of the flowers on Moshi Monsters is to wait for the seeds to grow into flowers.

Related questions

Can moshlings grow up on Moshi Monsters?

no none of the moshlings grow bigger

Do you wait to get a moshling on Moshi Monsters?

Well, you do wait for your flowers to grow to get moshlings on Moshi Monsters. Although, some combinations do not get you moshlings.

How do you get moshlings quickly on Moshi Monsters?

The best way to attract moshlings is to be sure your Moshi Monster is happy and healthy. The higher your health and happiness levels are, the faster the plants will grow in your Moshling Garden.

Can you plant moshlings in plants on moshi monsters?

No, you can not plant Moshlings in plants on Moshi Monsters. You plant seeds and, if you have the correct seed combination, the plants that grow will attract a Moshling.

What are peppers on moshi monsters?

They are seeds, if you plant them they (with other seeds) grow into moshlings.

How do you get moshlings straight away on moshi monsters?

sign out and then sign in and do that all the time and it will start to grow.

How do you get two moshlings IN ONE GO if you are a member on moshi monsters?

No, you can only grow seeds for one moshling at a time.

Is there a cheat on Moshi Monsters to make seeds grow instantly?

No. Cheating is no allowed on Moshi Monsters. The best way to get your seeds to grow quickly is to be sure that your Moshi Monster has full health and happiness.

How do you get random moshlings on Moshi Monsters?

To get random Moshlings, just buy any three seeds and plant them. Let the seeds grow and see if they attract a Moshilng to your garden.

How do you get 3 moshlings at once on moshi monsters?

You can only get one moshling at a time on Moshi Monsters. For moshlings that are attracted by flowers, you plant three seeds, let them grow, then see if a moshling was attracted to your garden. You can also get moshlings by completing Super Moshi Missions (if you are a paid member). You can only complete one mission at a time, so can only get one moshling at a time.

Which plants do you buy moshlings on moshi monsters?

For most of the moshlings, you need to buy seeds to plant in your Moshling Garden. The seeds grow and attract moshlings to your garden. See Related Questions for a link to a complete list of moshlings and the method for attracting them.

How do you get all the moshlings at one time on moshi monsters?

Its impossible because it takes 4 hours to 6 hours to grow one Moshling. Plus, they are always adding new Moshlings.