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You can find a same sex mod that allows the same gender to have babies.

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Q: How do you make lesbians on Sims 3 have babies?
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On Sims 3 you can not have babies but if u have sims 3 ambitions u can have babies Sims 3 is older so it doesn't have those features a hope I helped

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No, you can only have babies on PC Sims 2 and 3.

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No, you can also have babies on sims 3. And, I am pretty sure you can have babies on sims 2.

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Unfortunately, this is impossible on sims 3.

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No, you cannot have babies on The Sims 3 or World Adventures. Sorry

Why Don't babies Age Up In Sims 3 Generations?

Babies do age up in the sims 3 generations :P