You can find a same sex mod that allows the same gender to have babies.
Yes, you can be a lesbian and it is possible to have babies. There are different options, one is the hack which is available here: The other way is to get your two lesbians to relax on the bed then use the testingcheatsenabled true cheat and shift click on one of your sims, then make them try for a baby, when you hear the chime change the sim back to a female again. Hope this helped! :D
No, it is like any normal sims game and you cant have a pet, but you can have babies.
yes you can and you can also have babies to. I have this game and my girl is married and has 3 babies.
You can buy the nude mod or you can find it in the sims 3 exchange.
How do you make the sims 3 game brighter
Yes, you can make babies in the Sims 3.
sims 3
yes they can have 3 babies on sims 2
no but might make update for that
On Sims 3 you can not have babies but if u have sims 3 ambitions u can have babies Sims 3 is older so it doesn't have those features a hope I helped
No, you can only have babies on PC Sims 2 and 3.
No, you can also have babies on sims 3. And, I am pretty sure you can have babies on sims 2.
Unfortunately, this is impossible on sims 3.
you have to get sims 3 ambitions on ipod has alot of kissing and family games. And..Sims, Sims 2, and Sims 3
No, you cannot have babies on The Sims 3 or World Adventures. Sorry
Babies do age up in the sims 3 generations :P