use the hm-Defog (found in the great marsh-the "ace trainer" person has it)
you have to go to pokemon team and then select the pokemon which knows defgog and then you see the word defog select that and then go to the place where you wantto defog and then the fog will go.
You gotta defeat Wake, the fourth gym leader, then go to the safari zone and talk to a guy hanging around near the lower right corner and he'll give you Defog, the HM05. Teach it to a Pokemon then you can clear off fog anytime! PS. You can't use it if there's no fog.
The Pokemon Emerald fog problem is a bug in the software you are using. The fog bug was fixed in the next version so update the program and it will be gone.
teach a flying Pokemon defog and use it
Defeat Morty the Ghost-type Gym Leader. he will give you the Fog badge which will let you surf and make all Pokemon up to level 50 to obey you. Defeat Morty the Ghost-type Gym Leader. he will give you the Fog badge which will let you surf and make all Pokemon up to level 50 to obey you.
that's crazy!
Defog is located on the Great Marsh in Diamond and Pearl.Defog is located in the Solaceon Ruins in Platinum.Outside of battle, Defog clears away fog
HM05: Defog ( Clears deep fog.)
The HM defog.
to get rid or fog or mist who is stopping your sight of playing
you have to go to pokemon team and then select the pokemon which knows defgog and then you see the word defog select that and then go to the place where you wantto defog and then the fog will go.
You gotta defeat Wake, the fourth gym leader, then go to the safari zone and talk to a guy hanging around near the lower right corner and he'll give you Defog, the HM05. Teach it to a Pokemon then you can clear off fog anytime! PS. You can't use it if there's no fog.
One of the easiest ways to tell if a diamond is fake is by conducting a fog test. Simply breathe on the diamond and observe how quickly it clears. A real diamond will disperse the fog quickly, while a fake diamond will hold the fog for a few seconds.
you go to the mt.cornet in the fog :)
you have to beat the Pokemon legue and get the nanthinal dex then look at the map there will be a new area to get to geratina you need the HMS:rock climb and de fog and max repels good luck!
The Pokemon Emerald fog problem is a bug in the software you are using. The fog bug was fixed in the next version so update the program and it will be gone.
a lady somewere will give the devistating move Draco meteor i think she lives in the erea were theres a bunch of fog in Pokemon diamond reminder: dracoe meteor is the strongest dragon move in all of the Pokemon games cool huh