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First, find a nice piece of wood. Then, click on the rocks to gather around the fire pit. Finally, use your book to start the fire.

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Q: How do you make fire in club penguin for the mission?
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Where is the flashlight on the mission of Club Penguin?

There's a couple of missions in Club Penguin that you need light. If one of these answers below is not yours, then maybe you don't need light or I skipped it. Mission 2: G's Secret Mission - To make your fire, just feed the black puffle a puffle berry. Mission 3: Case of the missing coins - You find it in the Head Quarters. Mission 8: Mysterious Tremours - Get it at the Dock. Mission 10: Waddle Squad - It should be at the end of the mission. You don't need a flashlight. At the night club, just move the lights above.

How do you make your penguin flip on Club Penguin?

Its imposible to make your penguin flip on club penguin.

How do start the fire on mission 2 on club penguin?

To start the fire, you get the puffle that does not run away and you move it until it is near the fire, and then you give him a "O" Berry, found in a bush. He will get fired up and light the fire. Make sure you have some tinder though. Use the book for it.

How do you repair the kite on the club penguin mission?

Club Penguin : PSA Mission No. 9 Operation Spy & Seek You will have to make a kite in this mission. The best way to make anything is to start with a plan. For a KITE plan chat to Garry or just take the the one on the wall!! Add sticks and string and your done. Now for the MINE and the Sea. Good luck.

How do you make the water comeout the hose in club penguin?

first you have to wear the fire fighter's costume and then dance and i think you need the fire fighter's had to.

Related questions

What do you use to make the fire on mission club penguin?

You find a log and then use your survival guide book as kindling.

Where do you get the supplies to make a fire in the wilderness in club penguin?

In G's Secret Mission, use the log near the cave and your survival guide to make a fire in the wilderness.

Where do you find the magnifying glass on gs mission on club penguin?

no where but if you want to make fire give the black puffle an o-berri and you have fire

What do you do after you make a fire on gs mission?

you use your guid at tint hope this helps PS put it near the fire and click be my friend on club penguin Blue22006 out

What do you do in the mission that the sled brakes in club penguin?

well first you have to find wood to make a fire in your shelter and then you have to rip up your survival guide and use that as part of the fire.

Where are things to make a fire in club penguin?


How do you make fire in Club Penguin forest?

you cant

How do you make a fire on club penguin gs mission?

if im on the right mission, click on the guide book and put it over the fire and it will tear. but first you need to get the logs and rocks. i forgot where the logs were, but the rocks are inside the cave.

Will club penguin make missions after waddle squad?

yes they will it mission 11

Where do you find the sticks to make the kite in the club penguin mission?

the forest, i believe.

How do you do secret of the fur in Club Penguin?

Since i don't want to make this answer too long, just go to Youtube and type Club Penguin Mission Secret of the Fur. Or go to a Club Penguin Cheats site, like club Penguin Gang.

How do you make fire with the fire suit on club penguin?

you put your fire suit on then you press D on the keyboard!