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To start the fire, you get the puffle that does not run away and you move it until it is near the fire, and then you give him a "O" Berry, found in a bush. He will get fired up and light the fire. Make sure you have some tinder though. Use the book for it.

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Q: How do start the fire on mission 2 on club penguin?
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Just let the fire burn

How do you make fire in club penguin for the mission?

First, find a nice piece of wood. Then, click on the rocks to gather around the fire pit. Finally, use your book to start the fire.

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Take the book from your Inventory and then click on the fire pit

Where do you get materials to start the fire in club penguin mission 2?

Okay, first you look for wood, then a pot, then other stuff. Good luck :) HA!

How do get the fire in club penguin mission 2?

You find a log put it in you inventry then wala

What do you do to start the fire on club peguen?

You can sadly not light fires in club penguin sorry :[

How do you start the fire in Club Penguin?

When you get the black puffle, you give it a o-berry and there is your fire.

How do you lite the fire in mission 2 on club penguin?

give the black puffle puffle-o

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put the corn into the fire

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you put popcorn ion the fire torch