This is the place I go to to make fake Pokemon cards
(You can print the card you make and than glue it to a sucky Pokemon card and trade it for a real card lol cause when you print them out they don't have the Pokemon ball on the back of it!)
yes because the fake Pokemon games give a great variety of fake Pokemon that you have not seen before. Plus the fake Pokemon games have different stories then the original games that is why i prefer hacked or fake Pokemon games better the the original games.
you cant create a fake pokemon battle
Yes pokemon perla is fake. the fake is on Gameboy Advanced , However if you bought the spanish version of pokemon diamond and perl it would be called pokemon perla & pokemon diamante. The Fake Box Usualy Has A Lucario On The Front Of It
You can only if you know alot to make a fake game compatible to a real game
Sell it.
Well I don't know what exactly you're talking about, but if you mean amazon selling fake pokemon cards than yes. Me and my friends bought some pokemon cards from amazon but they all turned out to be fake.
If you are referring to card numbers, no. Pokemon cards have been produced for at least the past twenty years. There are 649 Pokemon, each has multiple cards.
yes, go to yes, go to www.makefakepokemoncardswherethereisnowayofseeingitasfake (dot) com yes, go to www.make fake Pokemon cards where there is no way of seeing it as fake (dot) com (without spaces)
They are bad because they are fake. Like your moms titties
You cheat.
The best is pretty much all legendary cards da
Well you can't make a real Pokemon apear. There fake is why.
Because Pokemon is just things mad up form a fake world with fake animals and fake things too. People who don't like Pokemon have opened up their eyes and saw that Pokemon are just things in movies and cards that you waste your money on.
check to see if the word Pokemon has the mark on top of the e if there isn't a mark then it's fake.