Install the clay soldiers mod then place 1 soul sand with 1 clay (I think)
4 clay make this pumkin head xxx x
Maybe in minecraft 1.5.3
You don't.
you have to download it from your computer
with the clay soldiers mod? craft a clay soldier with lapiz lazuli or cactus green or something else that can be used to dye wool.... :)
4 clay make this pumkin head xxx x
Maybe in minecraft 1.5.3
You don't.
you have to download it from your computer
yes there is.
with the clay soldiers mod? craft a clay soldier with lapiz lazuli or cactus green or something else that can be used to dye wool.... :)
No you don't you can download it on a outdated minecraft as long as the download you download is the same as the outdated minecraft you choose
You changed the texture pack?
punch/dig clay blocks
Mine the clay and put it in the furnace and heat it. then make a 2x2 square of the clay bricks to make brick.
Not without modding which is frowned upon by Microsoft and voids your xbox warranty.