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By using the right berry.

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Q: How do you make bitter puffins in Pokemon diamond?
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Can you make new Pokemon on Pokemon Diamond?

No, you can't make new Pokemon on Pokemon diamond...

How do you make dry puffins?

The type of Poffin you make in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum is dependent on the type of berry used to make it. In the case of the Dry Poffin you can use Chesto, Oran, Wiki, Pamtre, Charti and Micle berries.

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you can make it happy feeding it with puffins or cubes and massages in dp

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i have Pokemon diamond, and played 600 hours. its not possible. but you can catch a ditto, and make Pokemon eggs.

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no im sorry but you can't.

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Is there a AR cheat for Pokemon Diamond that make wild Pokemon shadow Pokemon?

no, sorry

How do you make a bitter poffin on Pokemon pearl?

go to hearthome city and go to the poffin house and start cooking with a bitter berry.