You can't make a sim sleep on the floor. If they are depressed or have run out og energy the colapse and fall on the fall.
You can not make a Sim anorexic.
You cannot make a sim nude in Sims Castaway.
If your Two sims are in Romance level (You know this if your sims can Make out) get both of your sims to relax in Bed by clicking on the bed and press Relax. Make sure both of your sims to do it. Then click on the sims you want to Woo Hoo with and press Woo Hoo or Try to have a Baby
Get your Sims on a sleeping schedule. This will help your sims energy and mood. Don't do hardworking activitys for a long time! So have breaks in those activities. If this didn't help try for answers...
No, but if you have Sims Making Magic, you can make a spell called Relation Ship Boost and boost a relation ship between two people. In total, you have 3 lotslots of this spell so don't waste it.
Mom or Dad's food Or mine (I will donate some to your house ;) (I am..lo l I sh)
Make a meal while on the secret hobby lot for cooking. Then put it in your inventory and click on the table.
There are three ways to help you with your problem on Sims 2.1) Remove free will. Go on to options and there should be a button which then gives you the option to turn free will off.2) Meals. When you click on the fridge, click on a meal instead of snack because they may not get a snack because they want a meal.3) Use a cheat to get there hunger back up.
No, using max motives during parties does nothing apart from boost the controllable sims needs.
Well, if you go to the grocery store it will say the food and its price and you can just buy what you want. You don't actually have to buy food. If you want to make a meal and you don't have the ingredients it will just charge you money there and then to make the meal i.e. >Have Breakfast>Waffles ($11)
You can't make a sim sleep on the floor. If they are depressed or have run out og energy the colapse and fall on the fall.
On dsi it doesn't show or say it
You can not make a Sim anorexic.
The Sims Superstar is an expansion pack to the original The Sims game and requires that stand-alone version in order to play Superstar. Anything you can do in the original Sims, you can do in Superstar, so yes.
You cannot make a sim nude in Sims Castaway.
You have to have Sims 2 University to make a college.