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Required: 1 workbench/crafting bench

3 wooden planks

2 sticks

w=wooden plank


w w _

w s _

_ s _

In the crafting table, put a stick in bottom middle then another stick in the middle middle. Put a wooden planks on the top middle, top left, and in the left middle.

You can also reverse the pattern. eg:

_ w w

_ s w

_ s _

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Q: How do you make a wooden axe in minecraft?
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How many planks and sticks are needed to make a wooden axe in minecraft?

2 sticks and 3 planks.

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You cannot craft it. Sorry.

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Iron Axe is 258.

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You just build up.

What shall you make on minecraft?

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What is used for cutting down trees easily in Minecraft?

A wood axe, a stone axe, a iron axe, a golden axe, and a diamond axe