On clear nights (or a bit cloudy) make sure you have nothing in your hands and if you see a shooting star go by on the top screen hold the A button and then the next day you will get a note from the wishing star and a gift attached to the letter
You can not have a baby on Animal Crossing: Wild World
There is no animal crossing for the PSP.
You cannot be friends with Saharah on Animal Crossing Wild World.
hfgzc bnirhgtren ghv
No you cannot work for the Able Sisters on Animal Crossing Wild World.
Ya! Your house in animal crossing wild world can hold 4 pepole!!
You can not have a baby on Animal Crossing: Wild World
No. You are unable to get a boat on Animal Crossing Wild World.
You can't.
No, he isn't in Animal Crossing: Wild World.
One for DS : Animal Crossing Wild World One for Wii : Animal Crossing Lets Go To The City One for Gamecube : Animal Crossing Wild World (Same title as Ds) :)
No, not on Wild World; only in City Folk and the original Animal Crossing.
You cannot leave your town on Animal Crossing Wild World.
well there can be a well on animal crossing wild world if you build can one
You cannot marry on Animal Crossing: Wild World.
There is no animal crossing for the PSP.