Well, the same way as you do on the PC: I I I S S I=Iron Ingot S=Stick
There is no cheese in all pc, pocket edition, xbox minecraft.
i don't know... :D
how can you change clothes in survival craft
To make a redstone torch, you must have one redstone dust and one stick. You put the stick on the bottom and the redstone dust above the stick. It's the same recipe as a torch, only with redstone dust instead of coal.
you can't
Kill a spider
you are a nerd if you play minecraft...
How do you craft pressure plates on minecraft
you take a bucket and you collect it. You only need 3 iron to make it
since the update came out, just make it like you would on pc
to make FINGER paint you need: a few teaspoons of corn starch some cold water some boiling water vegtable food colouring...
Yes you can. Just get an diamond ore and place it in you crafting box and diamond will be made. Then craft your pickaxe.
Well, the same way as you do on the PC: I I I S S I=Iron Ingot S=Stick
Well You Know Mine craft Pocket edition is just in Apha Beta So Im Sure More items with be here when it updates and you might be in the lite verison which is not as good as the full payed version
Currently, there is no way as of June 2014 to make a fishing rod in the Minecraft Pocket Edition as there are no fish.