next time wiki it
You Need One Stick And Two Cobblestone... Cobblestone Is Obtained By Mining Stone And Sticks Are Crafted By Placing 2 Wooden Planks On Top Of The Other
Stone Sword Recipe:
| X |
| X |
| V |
With X Being Cobblestone And V Being Sticks
(Blank Places Are Left Blank In the Crafting Table)
1 Stick and 2 cobblestones Easy to craft and easy to fight on monsters
you can make a sword, and bow. the sword can be in wood, stone, iron, gold, or diamond. you need three of these and a stick to make. diamond is the best to make the bow you need some string and sticks.
You can make a diamond sword in Minecraft by placing two diamonds above a stick in the crafting table.
You need the Aether mod.
You can't, unless you're using mods.
Have a sword. make an enchanting table. Have levels. Put the sword in the enchanting table. Click a available enchantment. BOOM a better sword. Bookshelfs gives you better enchantments for higher levels
you can make a sword, and bow. the sword can be in wood, stone, iron, gold, or diamond. you need three of these and a stick to make. diamond is the best to make the bow you need some string and sticks.
You can make a diamond sword in Minecraft by placing two diamonds above a stick in the crafting table.
You make the sword, then you go to a mob, then you can get meat or anything that it drops!
You need the Aether mod.
It works like a crafting table, but only for stone and stone related items.
No, it has to be Cobblestone.
It does 2.5 hearts of damage, enough to kill a creeper, skeleton, or zombie in four hits.
No because if you do that when you put the sword on the rock it ain't gonna make a crack
Make a redstone circuit.
You can't, unless you're using mods.
There is no way to make a stone cutter on minecraft PC. This is only on PE.
Have a sword. make an enchanting table. Have levels. Put the sword in the enchanting table. Click a available enchantment. BOOM a better sword. Bookshelfs gives you better enchantments for higher levels