no, but there is a yugo ap for the i phone where YOU make your own deck, or you can go to the deck doctor and you give him your deck and he will fix it up for you, or if you have a friend that is an absolute pro like me :), you can ask of him to help you with your deck.
you have to get a starter deck or keep getting booster packs
It depends, its not about the deck but the strategy you use plus you can make your own deck with your own ultimate combos! =)
Generally any deck good in the real game is good enough for the game. The easiest and most effective deck to make might be a Dark deck, utilizing "Plaguespreader Zombie", "Armageddon Knight", etc.
Make the deck you want as a recipe. Then go into the deck menu at the top left corner of the screen. Then you press "Save recipe". Then just press one of the spaces. You can do this over ones you've already got but this will overwrite them.
No, Structure Deck: Marik was only released in Japan.Due to 'Viser Des' being released in Ancient Prophecy though, it is now possible to recreate the entire deck using TCG cards.
The best place to make a deck online would be because after you make a deck you can test for free.
a spellcaster deck is the stroungst deck that u can get
You save your recipe then load it... simple =)
You can use the word prophecy in a few different ways. You can make the sentence "I was told that I am prophecy".
no, but there is a yugo ap for the i phone where YOU make your own deck, or you can go to the deck doctor and you give him your deck and he will fix it up for you, or if you have a friend that is an absolute pro like me :), you can ask of him to help you with your deck.
make a cut out hole in the deck. make the deck "flush" with the skimmer lid or make it just above and do a removable deck section to hide the skimmer. Also leave enough room between the top pool railing and the deck for liner replacement
You cannot make an "undefeatable" deck. Each deck has strengths and weaknesses.
It depends on your cards and what you want to do with the deck; no one can figure it out for you.
1-5 How dragons in a prophecy learn that it is fake and make a real one6-10 How the other prophecy dragons live10-13 How the other prophecy dragons find a other prophecy across the sea
doubt it :(