you get honey and bitterbug and combine them, then add rare steak
the granny peddler sells some. it's very common on desert gathering spots. after you got some you can plant some on your farm just so you won't run out of it.
Assuming the defending monster is also in attack position, both monsters will be destroyed.
There are many things that could be meant by getting a sea monster tattooed on you such as power. It may also symbolize fear.
Monster cards do not have life points and there is no concept of 'damaging' a monster card except for battle. In battle a monster either dies or it does not, there is no accumulating damage such as in Magic the Gathering. A monster can fight off an infinite amount of monsters that are weaker than it, but is destroyed if it battles with one of equal or greater power.
you can get it from imps on rs mems and they can hald rare items depending on your hunter level.
power pill + immunizer
To get a power pill use a immunizer, and power seed.
You can get it by combining a Catalyst and a Power Seed.
the granny has some of it. you can get some on the desert. you can plant some on your farm so you won't run out of it.
Combine Power Seed and Catalyst to get Demondrug Combine Demondrug and Pale Extract to get mega Demondrug hope this helps
u mixed demondrug and pale extract u have to have to alchemy skill
the granny peddler sells some. it's very common on desert gathering spots. after you got some you can plant some on your farm just so you won't run out of it.
By using a stronger weapon with more sharpness, power, and the monsters weakness. If your fighting a basarios or gravios destroy its shell for its heart, when hitting this, there will be more blood, most monsters are like this. Destroy part of they bodies which can be the head, wings, tails, chest, or legs.
The weapon with the most raw power is the Seismic Gigas Hammer. It is upgraded from a Bone Hammer.
Power of the Hunter was created in 1982-06.
Where can u buy monster energy bracelet
He called it "the Monster", because he feared the power of the Nation.