You can make them at sawmill which is North-east of Varrock. Just exit Varrock from east gate and go North. You wont miss it.
Make in a crafting table; plank,plank,plank book, book, book plank, plank,plank
Go to the Sawmill operator north-east of Varrock (below the Lumber Yard) with a log (the same type as the plank you'd like to make, for instance; an oak log for an oak plank) and a stack of cash. The operator will make the planks for each log if you pay a little bit of cash. The plank prizes are as follows (type of wood needed is also included): Plank - Costs 100 gp / plank - Regular log needed Oak plank - Costs 250 gp / plank - Oak log needed Teak plank - Costs 500 gp / plank - Teak log needed Mahogany plank - Costs 1.500 gp / plank - Mahogany log needed
The cheapest way to makeoak planks are to chop the oaks yourself and take them to the sawmill. You may also send servants to the sawmill to convert them into planks which is more expensive; Also the Plank Make spell from the Lunar spellbook may be use by players who have completed the Lunar Diplomacy and Dream Mentor quests, and have level 86 Magic. The plank make spell is the quickest way to make planks but the cost of the runes is high.
Planks can't be used for anything in f2p except for the dragon slayer quest and selling them. In p2p they can be used to build things in houses.
You can't, it does cost money. Whoever wrote that is right, but if you have level 86 magic, completed Lunar Diplomacy and Dream Mentor, you can cast the spell Plank Make. It requires 2 astral runes, 1 Nature, and 15 Earth Runes. If you use a Earth Staff, the cost of the spell is about 486 coins. Without the staff, it's 651. But, with it planks are a little cheaper than getting them converted at the sawmill. A normal plank costs 70 to make instead of 100. An oak plank costs 175 to make instead of 250. A teak plank costs 350 instead of 500. A mahongany plank costs 1,050 instead of 1,500. It's also good magic experience, giving you 90 xp per cast. Hope that helped a bit.
There is no magic planks in runescape. Only plank, oak plank, teak plank and mahogany plank.
If this is for construction, you don't. Simply use the plank with the steel nails in your inventory to build what requires it.
Look up a magic calculator, then how many times you have to plank-make from 86-99 magic, then add the prices of the planks + runes to cast the spell together, to get the cost.
Make in a crafting table; plank,plank,plank book, book, book plank, plank,plank
You can buy one on the Grand Exchange, or pick it up in the Wilderness.
In RuneScape, plank running is when you bring logs to a sawmill to convert into planks. This is rather profitable due to the expensive cost of planks and their heavy demand by players training construction.
You can't. You have to find it in the wilderness. To the left of the Clan Wars place. And to the south of the Clan Wars place where there are some low level ghosts. They should be on the ground. Anyone can pick it up.
You can make a ball roll slower down a plank by increasing the friction between the ball and the plank. This can be done by adding a rougher surface to the plank or by placing obstacles in the path of the ball to slow it down. Additionally, you can reduce the slope of the plank to decrease the speed of the ball.
You can make a fair amount of profit from plank running. I recommend running oak planks because you can buy the oak logs from the grand exchange with no problem. You can buy oak logs for 49gp each, and you can sell the planks you run for 472gp and they usually sell in the grand exchange with no problem. For every 1000 planks you make you can make a profit of approximately 173,000gp. Remember the prices in the grand exchange usually change daily. Also the plank man charges 250 per plank
Yes, they make a nail gun for hardi-plank.
they make it out of cedar tree
You can't make watches in Runescape.