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Look at your old place, go to configure, go down and get a new baseplate then choose one they have empty baseplate, Happy home in Robloxia, and the war one. your welcome

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Q: How do you make a new baseplate on Roblox?
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What is a baseplate on Roblox?

A baseplate is usually the biggest brick, it is where you spawn at. Just look at "Empty Baseplate" by ROBLOX himself for an example!

How do you insert an extra baseplate on ROBLOX?

In Roblox Studio, unlock the baseplate using the "lock" tool, then Copy the baseplate, then paste it. Move the baseplate over until it is perfectly even. Don't forget to re-lock it when you're done!

How do you change the baseplate in roblox?

You can search "baseplate" in free models, and place it in your map. Hope this helps!

How do you delete your floor for a place your building on roblox?

Go to "Workspace", find Baseplate, then right click it and hit cut but make sure you have a spawn.

How do you remove the baseplate on roblox?

On ROBLOX Studio, press edit by the place you want the baseplate removing. Wait for it to load. Along the top of the screen, there are some buttons, click the first one, that says Tools. Once clicked, it will open into lots of buttons. Click the padlock one, then click the baseplate. Then, press the tool that is like a cursor (computer arrow) and click the paseplate. Then press delete on your keyboard!

What are the dimensions of a baseplate on roblox in studs?

A baseplate is not a set amount of studs, however it is easy to find out just how many studs it is. First open your place in roblox studio and find the baseplate brick in the object browser. In the properties window you will see three numbers by the property "size". The first two numbers are the X and Y coordinates(length and width) while the third number is Z(height).

How do you make people on Sandbox in Roblox?

If in Sandbox by REDALERT2 then you have to have super vip which is now not for sale but if you do have super vip then put the NPC down on your baseplate use your configure tool and put in the name the dialog and the ID to make your NPC

How do you get new baseplate on robloxcom?

BTW, It's not Robloxcom. Anyways, the answer. On your Place in your Profile ( you click 'Configure this Place' (Note: Make sure you backupped you old place on your Computer or whatever you're using.), Scroll down and click 'Reset Place' Then choose the black baseplate and click Reset Place again. There ya go! P.S. Add me on Roblox pls. I'm 111connor111

How do you delete a place on Roblox?

It is not possible to completely remove a place from Roblox. However, you can reset your place by clicking on "Configure this Place", then clicking reset and selecting "Empty Baseplate". Then, simply click update. Your place will be reset to an empty baseplate. You can also deactivate a place by clicking on the "Places" near the top of the screen when you are in "My Roblox", and clicking the "Deactivate" link next to the place you want to deactivate.

How do you delete a baseplate on roblox?

Click the tools button in the top left corner.Click the sign with a lock on itClick on the mouse buttonClick on the base-plateDelete the base-plate

What are some cheats for city creator tycoon?

roblox - statues(duh) reachtheheaven - airport(no plane) nature - different trees freaky - a broken swing smile - a free big head imrich - a golden baseplate hurting - a red baseplate cola - a giant coca-cola can family - create players waterpark - get a pool drown - water baseplate Hope you like them! ----Bitem51 Ray350 and superstarxalien169 helped!

How do you put bricks floating in mid-air on ROBLOX?

To create "floating" bricks you must be building in the Roblox Studio mode. First create a brick and raise it above the baseplate (the ground). Then select the brick and in the object properties select "anchored".