Memory jug artist, Laurie Beth Zuckerman offers complete instructions, history, and hundreds of photos in her 232-page MEMORY JUGS BOOK on CD available at her website:
to make wine and ferment: 1-get jug 2-fill jug with water 3-buy grapes 4-mix grapes with jug of water 5-let it sit in your inventory until it says jug of wine. also....a rare wine is zamorak which can be obtained from the shrine or bought from the grand exchanfe
use a bucket or jug of water with it
Go Crafting Guild ( Brown Apron + Pick Axe needed ) Provided you have the crafting level, follow these steps: * Mine Some Clay. * Pick Up A Jug. * Fill Jug With Water From Nearby Tap. * Use Jug Of Water On Clay to make soft clay. * Use Soft Clay on nearby potter's wheel, and click bowl to make an un-fired bowl.
The jug is a musical instrument. It is an empty jug played with the mouth.
buy a jug of wine from GE (GOOD PRICES!) and drink half of it ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The guy above is wrong, the half full jug of wine is now discontinued. It is impossible to obtain half Jug of wine by drinking wine anymore. ______________________________________________________________________
fill the 3 litre jug, pour it into the 5 litre jug. refill the 3 litre jug, pour into the 5 litre jug until full you will have 1 litre left in the 3 litre jug.
first pour 10 jug into dog bowl. pour dog to cup then jug to dog bowl again. the jug should have 4
You don't make it its hard
Okay so fill up the seven liter jug completely and pour as much as you can into the 4 liter jug. You now have 3 liters in the 7 liter jug and 4 liters in the 4 liter jug. Pour the 4 liter out half way, now you have 2 liters in the 4 liter jug. Now pour the contents of the 4 liter jug into the 7 liter jug that has 3 liters in it. You know have a jug with 5 liters.
Yes you can. Fill the 8 gallon jug and from it fill the 5 gallon jug. Pour out the 5 gallons and pour the rest of the 8 into it. You now have 3 gallons in the 5 gallon jug Refill the 8 gallon jug and from it finish filling the 5 gallon jug. You now have 5 gallons in the 5 gallon jug and 6 in the 8 gallon. Empty the 5 gallon jug and refill it from the 8 gallon and you have 1 gallon left in the 8 gallon jug. There are other ways of doing this wasting less water. See if you can figure it out.
fill the 5 gallon jug with water then pour the water into the 3 gallon jug until its full then u will have 2 gallons in the 5 gallon jug. then if the jugs both have the same circumference u can just make the water in both jugs level then u will have 2 gallons of water in each jug. pour the water from the 3 gallon jug into the 5 gallon jug. and u should know that 2+2=4 :)
Fill the seven litre jug. Empty into 9l jug. Refill 7 litre jug and empty into 9l jug. 7l jug now contains 5l, whilst 9l jug is full. Empty 9l jug. Pour contents of 7l jug into 9l jug. Refill 7l jug and empty into 9l jug. The remainder in the 7l jug will be 3 litres
by squeezing an orange into a cup/jug etc.
bug, coal, jug, ect.
by squeezing an orange into a cup/jug etc.
In Runescape a wine Jug is Simply Referred to as a Jug :)