The chances of making a Lv. 99 Poffin is very rare. Unless you cheat with an action replay or hack it.
there is no code but if you want a good poffin use an oran berry or a magov berry and stirr the WRONG WAY it is pointing to....... hope that helps
raise to lvl 35
to get a leafeon in Pokemon platinum, you need to have an eevee and then at any lvl you have to use a leaf stone!
its hp for me in Pokemon platinum, was 419 at lvl 100.
in Pokemon diamond luxio evolves into luxray at lvl 30 and its the same for Pokemon platinum and pearl!!! hope that helps!
there is no code but if you want a good poffin use an oran berry or a magov berry and stirr the WRONG WAY it is pointing to....... hope that helps
good Pokemon but lvl needs uping i think you should replace dragonite with a garchomp. garchomps are one of the best Pokemon you can get in platinum.
evolves in vibrava at lvl 35 and flygon at lvl 45
u cant
raise to lvl 35
to get a leafeon in Pokemon platinum, you need to have an eevee and then at any lvl you have to use a leaf stone!
its hp for me in Pokemon platinum, was 419 at lvl 100.
in Pokemon diamond luxio evolves into luxray at lvl 30 and its the same for Pokemon platinum and pearl!!! hope that helps!
you cant get leech seed in Pokemon platinum, Pokemon can learn leech seed by lvl, like torterra and Roselia
if you have an action replay put this code in, make some bad poffins any favor and then press L+R and in the place of one of those poffins will be a lvl 99 super poffin! before you can make another on you have to eat that one. it won't let you have 2 lvl 99 poffins in your poffin case at the same time Level 99 Poffin 94000130 fcff0000 b21c4d28 00000000 b0000004 00000000 e00052bc 00000007 6363631c 00636363 d2000000 00000000