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you need to go to paint then go to image then attributes and then just make the size you want (728x90,160x600,or 300x250) then create how you want it

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Q: How do you make a funny roblox ad?
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Can you share an ad on Roblox?

You could share the image of the ad, allowing people to make it into their own ad...

How do you make a funny ad?

make people laugh!

How do you use the user ad in Roblox?

After you upload an User ad to Roblox go to My Roblox. Next click "advertising" on the top bar. Finally find the Ad you want to run and click it, put up your desired bid, and click "run ad".

Do you need builders club to make an ad?

No, you don't. All you need is some tix and your ad and it will be on ROBLOX.

How do you get a popular place on ROBLOX?

To get a popular place on Roblox you should ask your friends to go, make fake accounts and make them go to your real Roblox's place, or save up money, make a GOOD ad (I suggest using and mastering Paint.NET to make your ads), and put it up.

How do you put a comment in an ad on roblox?

You can't. You can post a comment though and then take a screenshot of it (PrtScn SysRq key in the upper right corner). Then you paste that picture to the Roblox Ad template and you can run that ad.

Do people in roblox smell funny?

Seeing as to how it is an online game no. Now if you meant do the people who play roblox smell funny then there is no way to tell although my guess would be that some of them do.

How do you create ads on Roblox?

just click ad

How do you make a roblox?

U make a roblox with cheeze

Why does roblox keep rejecting your ads?

Its either because the ad doesn't fit the correct size or the ad has something bad or offensive in it.

On roblox how do you make people come to your house?

If you want people to swarm in your place,you have to make an effective ad. Click on the "ADVERTISE THIS PLACE" button and copy the on it on Microsoft paint. When your done upload it. when its done go to your "ad inventory" and bet tix. (the lowest is 50 tix)it will run for 24 hours then you have to bet tix again. REMEMBER make it a good ad.

who is your favorite youtuber and why?

My favorite YouTuber is Unspeakableplayz because he is FUNNY and he did a vid of 100 days of impossible Minecraft was FUNNY