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A Cooking Urn can be made in RuneScape by having a crafting level of 36 by combining a cooking urn (nr) with a fire rune. The cooking urn (nr) can be created by creating a cooking urn (unf) on a pottery bench with two soft clay and firing it in an oven to finally create a cooking urn (nr).

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Q: How do you make a cooking urn in RuneScape?
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How many lobbies does it take to make a full urn in runescape?

Forty lobsters are required to fill a cooking urn, forty-four lobsters are required to fill a strong cooking urn, and sixty-five lobsters are required to fill a decorated cooking urn. Lobsters will fill 2.53% of the urn when used with a cooking urn, fill 2.29% of the urn when used with a strong cooking urn, and fill 1.55% of the urn when used with a decorated cooking urn. Lobsters cannot be used with a cracked cooking urn or a fragile cooking urn.

How much exp do runescape accursed urns give?

Runescape Accursed Urns give a bonus experience of 375 exp. To fill the urn you have to have the urn in your inventory and kill lesser or greater demons. The ashes will automatically go into the urn, and can be teleported when full.

How do you make a smelting urn in runescape?

A Smelting urn can be created at 35 Crafting and is used with the Smithing skill to help with gaining experience. It can be constructed by using 2 soft clay on a pottery wheel to create a smelting urn (unf). After firing it in a pottery oven, a fire rune must be used on the Smelting urn (nr) to make a Smelting urn (r) and to enable it to collect 'scraps of metal'. Once it starts to be filled, it becomes a Smelting urn.

What does a woodcutting urn do on runescape?

Woodcut with it in Inventory Get extra EXP lol.

How do you use fragile fishing urn in runescape?

Just fish and all the exess bait will go in the urn and when its 100% full, give it to a guy in Morytania and hell give you Fishng xp. To a Runescape fisher, -Ianlol2

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How do you get cooking up fast on RuneScape non members?

If I was you go to and type in Runescape Cooking Guide for F2P. But if you're a Runescape member you type in Runescape Cooking Guide for P2P.

How long does it take from 77-99 cooking in runescape cooking lobs?

It depends how long you are on Runescape.

Where can you find a cooking range on rune scape?

There are many cooking ranges on runescape. The best cooking range on runescape is at Al-Kharid. It is the closest to a bank.

Can you eat a cooking apple on RuneScape?


How long does 99 cooking take from 83 in runescape?

depends on what your cooking

Can you make profit with 99 coooking runescape?

While it is possible to make money with cooking, this is not the most profitable thing to do. There are better ways to make money.