Either speed through or get a pregnancy mod.
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have your one of sims cheat on the other in front of their "current" partner. flirts count as cheating.
There are several cheat codes for the game, Venom. Some of the cheat codes are SEXY - unlock costume #2, WALL - unlock wallpaper #2, and FAST, for fast run.
You can fast forward. Just press C and + simultaniously
To get them to work you have to click them fast .If it doesn't work maybe its because the cheats are wrong to the Sims 3 game. By:{Mz.Evans Baby} Ok Mz Evans i don't think that answers the question.... Whoever asked this question could be more specific but I'm going to do the best i can to answer it... One way to make them work is how to bring the cheat menu... to get the cheat menu up you push Shift+Control+C a box will appear on the top part of your computer screen( this is how you get the cheats menu open for the computer) and then you can type in the following cheat codes: testingcheatsEnabled True - this cheat code lets you improve your sims mood by holding the shift button then left click on the mail box and click the option "Make Needs Static". You can also hold shift and click on the ground and have your sims teleport to that spot you clicked. BuyDebug On - go into the buy mode and you will see this question mark in the buy menu and it will have it to where you can place these boxes that produce gems, fish,plants, meterorites...( sorry but that's the best i can describe all of this stuff ) but these boxes disappear when you go into live mode to play your sims... AlwaysAllowBuildBuy On - This cheat allows you to go into build or buy mode when a fire happens or a burglar comes to your house... MoveObjects On - allows you to move objects like your sims, the mail box, trash can, and you can move objects that your sims is about to use or is using... example you can move their bed while they are asleep... I hope this helps but if not i did the best i could but this question wasn't very specific so i just answered it the way i thought they might want...
I have two really fabulos cheats for sims and sims2 for PC. Idk if the 2nd one works for sims 1. Ok so the first one is the all important money cheat! Haza! Ok so as you know, open the cheat box by going CTRL SHIFT C. For sims1 type rosebud. This gives you 50,000 money. Or go rosebud; ; and hold down enter. This way you dont have 2 type it over and over again. Money cheat for sims two is motherload. It is the same as the first one, except you cant do ; ; hold enter. And now for the ULTIMATE cheat for sims2. No lieing, this cheat saved my butt so many times, its amazing. Follow what it says EXACTLY including spaces. boolprop testingcheatsenabled true This...... cheat....... DOMINATES! No foolin. With this you can make your sims moods max. Like if they're about to die of hunger hold the mood bar and slide it around. It works the same with relationships. There are a whole bunch of other awesome things you can do with bollprop, to many to list. One is hold down shift and click on yer newspaper. You can get any job rewards you want, any job, and get promoted. Shift click on a sim and click the tombstone of l and d. Get your sim pregnant and wait a minute or two, then regular click on it with the pregnant sim. Click speed up pregnency and theyll have a bayby in like ten seconds. You can also make anyone grow up really fast with the tombstone. Experiment with the shift click. Shift click on sims, objects..... other sims. There are infanent possibilitys with bollprop. It is ULTIMET! Another cheat for sims2 is forcetwins, (i 4get if its spaced) it will say it doesnt work but it does. When a sim is about to have a baby, clutching their stomace and groaning, type forcetwins. They will now give birth to twins. Another money cheat for sims 2 is familyfunds. After you create a family and your in the neighborhood, get the cheatbox up and type in familyfunds your family's last name and the a mount of money you want the most money you can have is 9,999,999
have your one of sims cheat on the other in front of their "current" partner. flirts count as cheating.
Newborn for 3 days.
there is no cheat just do the things u can but dont take it to FAST.
press start and press these buttons as fast as u can R2 L1 left square L3
you have to push L1 L1 R1 X X and the up arrow kinda fast
They come back in a day I think. Idk it fast forwards if no one else is at home.
if you do the BoolProp testingCheatsEnabled true cheat get the tombstone of L&D (life and death)click on it clike get me pregnant with... Then go back to it and say speed up my pregnency
you need to enter it fast
yes they can. i have before. heres a fast cheat for it. type ctrl shift c - type in the cheat bar that pops up 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' without quotations - shift-left click your sim - click ' tombstone L&D - click simulate genetic merge with... - click somebody - when it dissapeares (btw you will need to be on a community lot for all of this), click it again and click more then click speed up my pregnancy - now wait until you have the baby!
it is a ball of water that keeps the baby in your belly and when it pops your baby will come really fast . and if it will not break in time they will take a needle ad pop it. and when you push out the baby you will see the water come out.
it is a ball of water that keeps the baby in your belly and when it pops your baby will come really fast . and if it will not break in time they will take a needle ad pop it. and when you push out the baby you will see the water come out.
yes there is you can put in the cheat "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" then hit shift then right click on your person at the same time then there should be a button that says set to birthday. Thankyouu soooooooo muchh! I will try that today and i realy hope it works. :D Thankss soo much you are so cool.