The color of the flower you get when planting seeds is random. You plant the seed, then hope for the correct color. If you do not get a blue Snap Apple the first time, dig up that plant and plant another Snap Apple seed. Keep digging up and planting that seed until you get a blue one.
Red Apple, Red Apple, Blue Daisytwo red snap apples and a blue crazy daisy
If you mean red snap apple then I can tell you.... It is a seed called snap apple they can come red or blue or green or pink ,but only members can get them at the port .
You could get Honey or Jeepers with a blue Snap Apple. 057 *Honey the Funny Bunny [Fluffie] Yellow Love Berries, Blue Snap Apple, any Magic Beans 073 *Jeepers the Snuggly Tiger Cub [Beastie] any Love Berries, Red Crazy Daisy, Blue Snap Apple
You must be a paid Moshi member to get Scamp. 084 *Scamp the Froggie Doggie [Puppy] Black Snap Apple, Pink Dragon Fruit, Blue Moon Orchid
084 *Scamp the Froggie Doggie [Puppy] Black Snap Apple, Pink Dragon Fruit, Blue Moon Orchid
Nothing. There is no moshling that is attracted by 3 blue Snap Apple plants on Moshi Monsters.
red snap apple, red snap apple, blue crazy daisy
You have to be a member to get Burnie on Moshi Monsters. 078 *Burnie (dragon) [Beastie] Red snap apple, red snap apple, blue crazy daisy
you get nothing you have to have three different plants to get a moshling
You have to be a member to get Burnie on Moshi Monsters. 078 *Burnie the Fiery Frazzledragon [Beastie] Red Snap Apple, Red Snap Apple, Blue Crazy Daisy add me im puchi434
You have to be a member to catch Burnie the moshling. 078 *Burnie the Fiery Frazzledragon [Beastie] Red Snap Apple, Red Snap Apple, Blue Crazy Daisy To attract the Moshling Burnie (dragon) on Moshi Monsters, you will need: -Blue Crazy Daisy -Red Snap Apple -Red Snap Apple
Jeepers: Any Love,Blue Snap And Red Daisy
You have to be a member. Next you need to go to the super seeds, then you have to get a red snap apple, red snap apple and a blue crazy daisy and add me im Piotr360 on moshi monsters
blue moon orchid blue moon orchid black snap apple
2 red snap apples + 1 blue crazy daisy = Burnie
078 *Burnie the Fiery Frazzledragon [Beastie] Red Snap Apple, Red Snap Apple, Blue Crazy Daisy You have to be a paid Moshi Member to get Burnie.
To get Jeepers, plant: Any Love, Red Crazy Daisy, Blue Snap Apple. You must be a Moshi Member to buy Crazy Daisy and Snap Apple seeds.