You could get Honey or Jeepers with a blue Snap Apple.
057 *Honey the Funny Bunny [Fluffie] Yellow Love Berries, Blue Snap Apple, any Magic Beans
073 *Jeepers the Snuggly Tiger Cub [Beastie] any Love Berries, Red Crazy Daisy, Blue Snap Apple
There currently is no Moshling that can be attracted by a purple Snap Apple on Moshi Monsters.
You could get McNulty:038 *McNulty the Undercover YapYap [Puppies] any Snap Apple, any Snap Apple, Purple Star Blossom
You have to be a paid Moshi member to get a Snap Apple seed. To buy a Snap Apple seed, go to Super Seeds at the Port.
052 *Coolio the Magical Sparklepop [Foodie] Pink Snap Apple, any Star Blossom, Black Love Berries You have to be a paid Moshi Member to buy the Snap Apple seed at the Super Seeds Shop at the Port.
073 *Jeepers the Snuggly Tiger Cub [Beastie] any Love Berry, Red Crazy Daisy, Blue Snap Apple Jeepers is a Port Moshling so only Moshi Members (paid) can get him.
There currently is no Moshling that can be attracted by a purple Snap Apple on Moshi Monsters.
any star purple snap apple and green snap apple
the ice cream moshling on moshi monsters
Nothing. There is no moshling that is attracted by 3 blue Snap Apple plants on Moshi Monsters.
the code for mcnulty the moshling on moshi monsters is any snap apple, any snap apple and purple star blossom.
You have to be a member to catch Burnie the moshling. 078 *Burnie the Fiery Frazzledragon [Beastie] Red Snap Apple, Red Snap Apple, Blue Crazy Daisy To attract the Moshling Burnie (dragon) on Moshi Monsters, you will need: -Blue Crazy Daisy -Red Snap Apple -Red Snap Apple
you get nothing you have to have three different plants to get a moshling
There is no moshling that is attracted to 3 yellow Snap Apples on Moshi Monsters.
038 *McNulty the YapYap [Puppy] any Snap Apple, any Snap Apple, Purple Star Blossom You have to be a paid Moshi Member to get McNulty.
Coolio has a pink snap apple im not sure what the other 2 are add me im bmiddy1213 :)
078 *Burnie the Fiery Frazzledragon [Beastie] Red Snap Apple, Red Snap Apple, Blue Crazy Daisy You have to be a paid Moshi Member to get Burnie.