Pay for a server/host your own server. If you host your own, it will be laggy for other players because you have poor upload from home.
how do i make an private server flyff
It depends what server it is.
To make a private server, you will need to go to your file and change it to whitelist true.
You don't!
you can't :D
how do i make an private server flyff
It depends what server it is.
To make a private server, you will need to go to your file and change it to whitelist true.
Need to know what kind of server
Private server's are pretty much illegal, and I wouldn't recommend trying to make one.
You have to go make a private server which you run = How can make online server for world of warcraft? =
Go to he has guides for making a private server in wow and make it public. The guides are really easy!
You don't!
There is no right way to make a private server. They are illegal and should be discouraged. Please be happy with the game Blizzard has provided.
you can't :D
Private servers are illegal, i would suggest staying away from them.
Go to and make an account, then dowload it and start playing. Have fun! ~Flyff Team