Sooth bell
haircut (down in the goldenrod basement)
putting first in your party
talking to it alot
unfortuanatlly not
You Can Not But Heart Gold And Soul Silver You Can.....
You are given a TM when you will need it.
No because ditto has no gender
unfortuanatlly not
You Can Not But Heart Gold And Soul Silver You Can.....
You are given a TM when you will need it.
You must deposit Pokemon in the computer if your party is full.
No you can't make them have a bulbasaur.
You can make it happy by treating it to spa.
No because ditto has no gender
i think you cant but you can make a Pokemon hold it and trade that Pokemon.....xD hope i helped
White apricorns make fast balls.
Kyorge is exclusive to Heart Gold only.
You can make it happy by training it a whole lot. usually it takes a Pokemon 20-30 LVs to be fully happy.