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Sooth bell

haircut (down in the goldenrod basement)

putting first in your party

talking to it alot

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Q: How do you make Pokemon happy in Pokemon Heart Gold?
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Can Kurt make master balls on Pokemon Heart Gold?

unfortuanatlly not

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Where can i make m Pokemon relearn flash in Pokemon heart gold?

You are given a TM when you will need it.

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How do you make room in your party in Pokemon heart gold silver soul?

You must deposit Pokemon in the computer if your party is full.

Can a LickyLicky and a Venusaur make a Bulbasaur egg and the move Powerwhip in Pokemon Heart Gold?

No you can't make them have a bulbasaur.

How can you make a Pokemon happy in Pokemon Pearl?

You can make it happy by treating it to spa.

Can you breed Pichu and Ditto to make another Pichu in Pokemon heart gold?

No because ditto has no gender

How can you trade poke balls from platinum to heart gold?

i think you cant but you can make a Pokemon hold it and trade that Pokemon.....xD hope i helped

What apricorn is the fast ball in Pokemon heart gold?

White apricorns make fast balls.

How do you make Kyogre appear when you get the blue orb in Pokemon soul silver?

Kyorge is exclusive to Heart Gold only.

How do you make Pokemon happy in Pokemon Diamond?

You can make it happy by training it a whole lot. usually it takes a Pokemon 20-30 LVs to be fully happy.