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First, you need a couple of berries you wish to blend.

Now, fly or take a ferry over to Lilycove city and go to the Pokemon Contest. Inside, there will be berry blending stations where you will be able to blend.

(Your going to need a PokeBlock case.)

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Q: How do you make Pokeblocks in Pokemon Emerald?
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How do you make friendship in Pokemon emerald?

If you put Soothe Bell on a Pokemon or give it Pokeblocks.

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You cannot make poffins in Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald but you can make pokeblocks at contest centers

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certain pokeblocks can make Pokemon happier if your talking about Pokemon emerald or Sapphire, but generally the more you raise your Pokemon the happier they become.

Pokemon emerald-What is the GameShark code to get pokeblocks?

try lol

How do you make blue pokeblocks in Pokemon emerald?

Look for a berry that has dry circled in red on its tag use it in the berry blender.

How do you get max toughness in Pokemon emerald?

Feed them good pokeblocks from durin berries.

On Pokemon emerald is there a way to make your beauty go up without pokeblocks?

yes there are certain colour scarfs you can obtain which make thses stats increase

Whats pikachus favorite pokeblock in Pokemon emerald?

It depends on it's nature(personality) or if you're not sure, just give it yellow pokeblocks which is sour pokeblocks

Pokemon emerald how do you check what pokeblocks your Pokemon like?

look at profile To find out what type of PokeBlocks your Pokemon likes, go to Mossdeep City. Then go to the house directly behind the PokeCenter. Talk to the man in the house and he will tell you what types of PokeBlocks your lead Pokemon likes. To find out what another Pokemon likes, switch it with your lead one and then talk to him.

How do you catch a natu in emerald?

You have to go to the Safari zone near lillycove city.There you will find a natu but you need pokeblocks you will find pokeblocks at slateport city at the Pokemon contest place in the place where you check in there will be a little girl that will give you pokeblocks.

Where do you make pokeblocks in Pokemon Sapphire?

contest hall

How do you make a Pokemon block on Pokemon emerald?

In the Contest Hall in Lilycove City, there are four Pokeblock Machines to the far east. You can either make it with one, two, three, or four people. Pokeblocks are fun to make and make your Pokemon stand out more in contests. :) good luck!