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Open the inventory or press F5.

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Q: How do you look at yourself in minecraft?
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How do you change the camera angle to look at yourself in minecraft?

Press f5

How do you look at yourself on Minecraft?

Press E or the button you set to look at your inventory, and you should be standing in a box.

How do you give yourself complete admin control on your Minecraft 1.8 server?

you have to put yourself on the ops.txt in the minecraft server folder

How do you change your view on Minecraft?

Press f5 to go to 3'd person, press it again to look at yourself, and press it again to go back to 1'st person. (as of minecraft 1.1 ^.^)

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What are some Minecraft logins?

You should really buy Minecraft yourself if you want to play it.

How can you see yourself in minecraft?

press F5

What is people's passwords in Minecraft?

It is illegal to steal someone elses copy of Minecraft, buy it yourself!

How do you un-ban yourself in minecraft?

It depends on the server's owner. There is no way of unbanning yourself.

Can you craft on android Minecraft?

You can do much of the same things on the Android version of Minecraft, Minecraft: Pocket Edition.

How do you make yourself an operator in minecraft?

You have to be the host of the server.

When will they update Minecraft?

Have a look at Minecraft Forums it should tell you, or you can go to or Minecraft Wiki.