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Go to the small option button (Gears) and there is a button that says "Logout"

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Q: How do you log out on adventure Quest Wordls?
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Where is the options button in adventure quest so that you can log out?

in settings, .find the LOG-OUT

How do you log out of Adventure Quest Worlds?

Go to options (bottom right) and click on log out.

How do you get your regular head back in adventure quest worlds?

Log out :)

What sites that you can log in or register?

well there is fushion fall fantage adventure quest and adventures quest worlds

Is there a way to log onto adventure quest whenever you want without having to be a member?


How do you start over on adventure quest?

start a new character at the start when u log in

How do you log in adventure quest?

you can log into adventure quest right away for 48 hours and get 1000 free gold to your characters by confirming your email. you can do this by looking for the highlighted words in the adventure quest homepage saying *confirmed your email. * click on it then fill in your account information. next fill in your email and click change email. wait for about 10 minutes and a special link will show up in one of your email folders. click that link and on the link click *battle on.* go play adventure quest and you will log in right away for 48 hours.

Where does the guardian blade go when you get the dragon blade on adventure quest?

it dissapears until u log out

How do you log into adventure quest straight away?

The only guaranteed way to get on all the time is to become a Guardian

How do you logout in Adventure Quest Worlds?

Easy, just press on the cog (which is the options) and from there you can choose to log out or change servers.

How do you change the password in adventure quest worlds?

To change the password in Adventure Quest Worlds, go to the AQWorlds Account Manager and log in. Click on change password, enter current password, then new password. Finally, click submit.