just go to the webkinz home screen and click forgot password the type your username and code
If your account wont let you log on all you have to do is have your webkinz code handy. When you get to the log in page just click 'I forgot may password'. Then enter the webkinz code and they will give you a new, unique password you can change later if you want!
You can log into Webkinz. There must be something about your computer that won't let you. You might have your username or password wrong, or you account has expired. -WebkinzUSA
u go to forgot password and enter 1 of ure codes
you can't figure out your username if you forgot it however, to make sure you don't forget, you can write your info down and put it somewhere safe if you forget your password, you can use a webkinz code you have registered on that account along with your username to retrieve your password
there is alot that can be done just press play now
If your account wont let you log on all you have to do is have your webkinz code handy. When you get to the log in page just click 'I forgot may password'. Then enter the webkinz code and they will give you a new, unique password you can change later if you want!
If you forgot your webkinz password, the only way to retrieve it is to click log on at webkinz.com, then forgot password (a small button at the bottom of what is visible right away), then type your username and a secret code that you have entered on that account.
You can get your password to work again by going to the log in page.Then,go to forgot password.enter your secret code and they will get you a new password.write the new password down,then go back to the log in page and go to chnge password.
What do you mean forgot to save? If you made an account but forgot your password, there should be the highlighted words Forgot Password? at the bottom.
no i tryed it
In the log in place there's usually a thing that says FORGOT MY PASSWORD close to password and you press that.......
The password to your account on Webkinz depends on your username. If you forgot your password, you should contact Customer Support.
If you try to log in enough times, it will ask if you forgot password.
i do have a account i will give it to you username trans02 password iwin02
You can log into Webkinz. There must be something about your computer that won't let you. You might have your username or password wrong, or you account has expired. -WebkinzUSA
you don't get the password online stupid. you have the username and when you are logging in it says forgot password and click on that and you'll get it
u go to forgot password and enter 1 of ure codes