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Easy really there are (or were) certain accounts people made for the exact purpose to level your Pokemon. First you would find tab that said "battle computer playor" enter thbase name and type of Pokemon you would like to level up. It would be like "Zedjarock", or "Zedjalightning", etc. some more effective than other. >_<

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Q: How do you level up Pokemon really fast on Pokemon crater?
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How do you get every Pokemon to level 100 fast on Pokemon emerald?

There really isn't a quick way to get to level 100 fast without cheating. The best way would be to re-battle gym leaders and the elite four, along with wild pokemon. Sorry, you'll just have to be patient.

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There isn't really a specific time to how fast your Pokemon level up. The younger the Pokemon(smaller the level) the faster they level up. also battles the Pokemon is in give it more experience. so if you wanted to level up a oddish and you gave it exp. share it would get less experience than if it was the first in the party/ battled the enemy Pokemon itself. If you trade what you want to train to a friend and give the Pokemon a lucky egg it well level up really quickly, only a few hours to wait and it will be level 100 in no time.

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if you have already beaten the elite four than you can keep going there and training you Pokemon there. hope this helpz

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well there is but that's not as fast and only has one gym i think.

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Mii Channel

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How do you level up your Pokemon in Pokemon black really fast?

In my opinion, I always goto the elite four (aftergame) and replay them. You can also goto the east side of Unova and fight wild pokemon.

What is the easiest pokemon to evolve?

There is not really a easiest pokemon to evolve...but bug type pokemon evolve really fast

When does the Pokemon Magikarp evlolve?

The Pokemon magikarp evolves into gyriados at level 20 just put an exp share on the magikarp to hold and the levels will shoot up really fast

How do you get your Pokemon to level up fast on Pokemon sapphire?

try rare candies

How can you level up Pokemon fast in diamond?

Get the Exp. Share and give it to the Pokemon you want to level up. Be sure to put in your first slot. When you find a battle substitute your Pokemon right away for one that is really good. Then make your opponent faint. Your Pokemon should earn alot of Exp. points. It will then level up!

How do you level fast on Pokemon sapphire?

Pokemon day care or put exp.share on a weak Pokemon