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Each trip with a Pokemon in the pokewalker gains it one level as soon as you return it to the game. It doesn't matter how many days the Pokemon is in the walker, it will only gain one level upon its return.

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Q: How do you level up Pokemon on the pokewalker?
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How can you level up your Pokemon?

In the game you have to battle alot of Pokemon till your Pokemon level up.On a pokewalker a hundred steps is a level up,but your Pokemon can olny level up one.

Where is a good place to level up a level 53 Pokemon in Heart Gold?

In a pokewalker.

How do you get a Vespiquen in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Get a combee from the pokewalker and level it up so it evolves.

Does the pokewalker grow your Pokemon levels?

yes depending on how long you walk,your pokemon's level goes up by one

How does your Pokemon level up when you put it in the pokewalker?

Usually just by taking steps. Though I've noticed that the Pokemon only level up by 1 for at least 1100 steps.

How do you get a sharpedo on Pokemon HeartGold?

You can find Carvanha with the PokeWalker on the Warm Beach path. Just level it up from there.

How do you level up your Pokemon on the pokewalker?

I believe everytime you enter a Pokemon then take it back out it equals one exp. I did this 5 times and my Pokemon leveld up 5. not exactly, you have to actually WALK

Which Pokemon would be best to pokewalk on the pokewalker Route?

When you use the pokewalker, and return them to the game card, If when they gain a level, which would have them learn a move, THEY WILL NOT LEARN the MOVE. I would suggest a Pokemon That cannot learn any more moves from leveling up. or those that will not learn a move , when they reach the next level . I've been training my UNOWN on the pokewalker, and they are doing good. My A is at level 15, My B is at level 15, & My C is at level 15, as of Today.

How do you recover a Pokemon from a pokewalker that has gone through the dryer?

The Pokemon is not actually 'in' the Pokewalker, it's still on the cartridge, just set aside. It no longer shows up on the game and can't be used until 'returned' by the Pokewalker. But to make it appear again, on the Pokewalker connect screen on the game itself, press and hold up, select and R. This will return the 'sent' Pokemon to your box. You do not need the Pokewalker itself, so the Pokemon is not 'lost' if the Pokewalker is lost or irreparably damaged.

How do you put Pokemon in the pokewalker in platinum?

You can't put a Pokemon in the pokewalker in Pokemon platinum, as the pokewalker was designed for only Pokemon Heartgold & Soulsilver.

How do you send more than one Pokemon to your pokewalker?

you can't. however, you can catch up to 2 Pokemon while your Pokemon is already on the pokewalker as long as you have enough watts.

When on your pokewalker is the steps the same as experienced points?

no. each trip to the pokewalker is one level up.