grass because as you know water hates grass and so does ground so it does 4X the amount.
i don't know but for shiny Pokemon look for the shiny patch of grass with the pokeradar
by painting it black i don't know
Easy. Catch and train water/grass Pokemon, and if it's strong enough, you can use typhlosion. I know from experience. He's not THAT hard to beat, but to me, he was, since I used weaker Pokemon to train them. But, if you use water/grass Pokemon moves, it should work out for you.
In the topmost floor of Mistralton cave (bring Pokemon that know Flash and Strength)
From what I know of there is just throh and sawk. You can find throh in rustling grass in Black and Sawk in rustling grass in white. There is a ledgedary trio though
In the pinwheel forest, you can catch a pansage in rustling grass. I do not know the exact percentage, but all of the elemental monkeys can be caught there.
grass because as you know water hates grass and so does ground so it does 4X the amount.
One way is smothering a tree in honey. Then come back to it later and if its rustling, check it out. Also you can just walk around in long grass for ages looking for shining pokemon, you will know if they are, they are sometimes different colours and they sparkle when they come on stage.
That's a matter of opinion, but I think the worst Grass Pokemon is Paras, compared to all the other grass Pokemon I know of it is the worst.
i don't know but you can catch a shiny swello in the grass in front of the giant chasm. i did and know I'm breeding
well first we don't know what pokemon you're talking about and two you can find pokemon hanging around in tall grass,in caves,in the water and when you get surf on pokemon white go to one of the tall patches of grass and go through the water there someplace and a man will give you a larvesta egg
The Newest season for 2011 is Pokemon Black & White in the Unova Reigon. These Pokemon are: The Water Type: Oshawott The Fire Type: Tepig The Grass Type: Snivy If you ever have any questions about Pokemon you just let me know!
it will have three sparkles
Omg how do you not know this! You catch like anyother pokemon!
drowzee,jiggily puff,slowpoke,exeggcute, and some grass Pokemon
i don't know but for shiny Pokemon look for the shiny patch of grass with the pokeradar