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Press PS button and a battery symbol will appear at the top right of the screen showing amount of charge

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Q: How do you know if your ps3 controller is charged?
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Can you play with the controller plugged in to the PS3 console?

Yes when your controller needs to be charged you can use the charging cable and still use the controller to play the game. Always make sure your system settings automatically turn off your controller when you turn off the PS3. Remember the PS3 will not charge the controller when it is off.

How do you add a second wireless control to a PS3?

Your controller should come without any charge, after you have charged the controller it will be connected to the PS3. If you had it with charge for some reason, just connect it to your PS3 with the USB cable.

What if your PS3 controller wont connect to your PS3 you connected it to a friends PS3 and it wont connect back to mine it is fully charged and all what to do?

use the usb cord bawtt yhur controller has to be off 1st then connect the usb to the controller than press the PS button it shuld workk buddie

If your ps3 controller isn't working wirelessly what should you do?

If your ps3 controller isn't working wirelessly, then you may have to reregister it. To do this, you have to plug it into the ps3 with the special cord. If it still doesn't work, even if it is left plugged in, then you may have something wrong with your controller and you may have to purchase a new controller. You should also check the charge on the PS3 wireless controller. if you unplug a PS3 that battery is not charged it will not work. When you turn off the PS3 if you have not set the PS3 to also turn off the controller automatically in controller setting the controller will remain on and the battery will drain. The PS3 does not charge controllers when it is off.

Why is it said that the PlayStation 3 controller is portable?

I don't know that it is said. The PS3 Dual Shock 3 controller does not have wires and connects to the PS3 with Bluetooth and does not require to be pointed at the PS3 like an infra red controller would

What to do if ps3 controller wont work less it is pluged in?

If your PS3 controller only works when plugged in it could be many problems. First check to see if it is charged, if not it will only work when plugged in. If it is charged and still doesn't work then it's Bluetooth function is probably broken and you will have to replace it.

Can you use a wireless ps2 contoller for PS3?

it is called the ps2 controller not ps3 so not that i know you can do that

Your PS3 controller wont connect with your PS3?

I dont know how to fix it so you guys are screwed

How do you keep your PS3 controller charging?

leave the PS3 turned on and change the settings to turn off the controller when the PS3 is turned off. You can turn the controller and the PS3 back on by pressing the PS3 emblem on the controller

How do you sync a PS3 controller to your PS3?

You use the charging cable to connect the PS3 to Controller and press the Playstation Emblem on the controller

How do you connect a ps3 controller to a xbox 360?

The PS3 Dual Shock 3 controller is a Bluray controller for the PS3 exclusively

Why does my wired controller flashes and turn off?

Hmm.. sounds odd. Maybe it needs to be charged, if you have tried to do that and have not been successful through the PS3 usb port, try and charge your PS3 controller through a computers usb port?!