It is not possible for your PSP to get hacked. There is no need to worry about your PSP getting hacked by anyone.
Yes. However, if you dont know what you are doing, you WILL BREAK your psp, with no way to fix it. Be careful.
i think so
psp modding is ust were people mess with it so it can do different things than to other psps because none hacked psps cant download free games but hacked one scan to hack it you need a psp Pandora battery and a magic duo memory stick so if you don't have them then you cant do it psp modding is ust were people mess with it so it can do different things than to other psps because none hacked psps cant download free games but hacked one scan to hack it you need a psp Pandora battery and a magic duo memory stick so if you don't have them then you cant do it
The PSP-3000 cannot be hacked if it has OFW 6.31. There is a way to flash a PSP-3000, using a homebrew enabler, but it only works on OFW 5.03.
Yes. However, if you dont know what you are doing, you WILL BREAK your psp, with no way to fix it. Be careful.
you cant i don't think not ever on hacked psp
Well, you get to play downloaded games, themes, videos etc. BUT if you update your psp when its hacked, it gets unhacked and you cant play hacked games anymore.
once it is hacked, yes you can
No. Pokemon is for Nintendo products. Not Sony. If you saw it on a psp, the psp was hacked with an emulator.
i think so
It means someone has either hacked into your PSP or it has a problem.
no but u can if ur psp is hacked.
I don't think it is
i dont think you can fix it i would just delete it if not i dont know maybe someone might know more i have not got a hacked psp but if know please tell me how you did it i would like to know thanks mjf139