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click on the gold thing on the top right of the screen. if u r older than 30 days, it will give u a test. if u r younger, u will have to wait more.

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Q: How do you know if your 30 days old on club penguin?
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How much days old do you have to be to be a tour guide in Club Penguin?

you have to be 45 days old to be a club penguin tour guide

How many days old do you have to be to become a secret agent in Club Penguin?

In order to become a secret agent in Club Penguin, your penguin must be a full 30 days old

How do you get the third penguin in Club Penguin?

If you know how to work this website you're to old for a club penguin.

How old can your Penguin Be on Club Penguin?

As old as however many days you have played club penguin. If you have played for a year then your penguin is 365 days old. Some penguins rumor that a penguin can be maximum 15 years old however, it cant be proven true yet.

Who is the oldest penguin on Club Penguin?

probably the betas like timpenguin and cuteness 93 That is true, but the real first penguin was Rsnail (rocketsnail). He was the creator of what we call "old Club Penguin". Old Club Penguin... her name is misscutee she happens to be 6 years old on club penguin One of the oldest penguin and is still active on Club Penguin is Sprint123. He is 2739 days old (10/18/2013).

How old does your penguin have to be to join the epf agent on club penguin?

You have to be 30 days old to become a EPF Agent!

How do you know how old you are in Club Penguin?

click the edit account button on the lower right hand side of the options (?).... it will say your penguins age..... ex. your penguin is 703 days old....

Can you get on the old Club Penguin?

Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.

How old does the penguin have to be when doing the mysteries on Club Penguin?

30 days old then press the m on the top screen on the right

How do you become a tour guide in less than 45 days on club penguin?

Club penguin counts how many days old each account is. There is no way other than to own a penguin that is 45 days or older; member or not.

Can you be a secret agent on Club Penguin?

yes, but your penguin has to at least 30 days old and you have to take a quiz.

How do you turn into a spy in club penguin?

You mean secret agent? Your penguin has to be 30 days old to be one.