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you have to find a gay boy the ones i no are Trent and gord and keep on talking to them until you can give them flowers then kiss them

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Q: How do you kiss boys on bully?
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I think this answer can be a bully or an intimidator.

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im pretty sure its the bloody boys but it was dubbed the bully buys in Eric Walter's book

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Boys generally kiss girls by applying their lips to a girls and having a puckering motion to imply a kiss.

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What the boy who frightens weaker boys is called?

Oh, dude, that's easy. So, like, the boy who frightens weaker boys is called a bully. Yeah, it's not cool to be a bully, man. Like, be nice to each other, you know?

Do sentences in English always have a subject?

Yes. All sentences in English have a subject, although in some cases the subject is implied/understood. Examples- declarative: "You kiss boys." interrogative: "You kiss boys?" or "Do you kiss boys?" exclamatory: "You kiss boys!" command: "Kiss boys." In all of these, the subject is 'you'; 'kiss' is the verb and 'boys' is a direct object ('do' is a helping verb, so when used, it is part of the verb form). Even though there is no 'you' in the command sentence, it is understood that the subject is the person to whom the sentence is spoken, which is... you.

How do you do to get the boys to kiss you?

The way to get boys to kiss you is to show interest in them. Even being blunt and telling them you would like to kiss them may work. However, if a boy doesn't want to kiss you, he won't.

What do you call a boy who frightens other boys?

A boy who bothers other boys is called a bully.

Who bullies more boys or girls?

Boys. But girls are starting to bully more often too.

Can boys and girls kiss at the age of eleven?

Yes, but just kiss.