I think this answer can be a bully or an intimidator.
You can choose if your moshi monster is a boy or a girl but diavlos are more commonly adopted by boys. Choose boys' clothing if you want your diavlo to be a boy and choose girls' clothing if you want your diavlo to be a girl.
most of the people think cheren is a boy but well some other think cheren is a girl. i think cheren is a boy im not sure though he has characteristics of a boy his hair is the same as Pokemon trainer golds hair but without hat. he is a boy cuz in the beginning of the game professor juniper said this young boys name is cheren
If it is a boy it will have a penis (but only when its a baby) Girls Have Nothing if its older girls have different necks to boys
Creeply... A Boy. I swear it looked like a tom boy or something. They really need to quit making boy looking girls and girl looking boys in anime....
Oh, dude, that's easy. So, like, the boy who frightens weaker boys is called a bully. Yeah, it's not cool to be a bully, man. Like, be nice to each other, you know?
In my case, Richard; in general, however, the name is "Bully".
They would be called either Pure Awsomeness or A Bully or Tough... -.-
lazy boy
I think this answer can be a bully or an intimidator.
Forget the boys and call a MAN !!
Call a girl an actress while boys are actors
we are both boys
The girls are mares and the boys are stallions.
i'd say yes
if a boy likes another boy that means they're GAY.Sometimes boys experiment with other boys if it one time they should be lab-led Gay. What if the boys go on to be heterosexual and have a GF never do it again.