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to kill the grizzly you run when the bear charges at you or Dodge it then shoot it as much as you this over an over until it dies

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Q: How do you kill grizzly in Cabelas Dangerous Hunt 2011?
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How does a grizzly bear hunt?

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What dog is used to hunt and kill grizzly bears?

They use multiple hounds to kill a grizzly bear.

What can we do to make grizzly bear's from being extinct?

you can not hunt them and protest people who do hunt them for absolutly no reason

What predators hunt for grizzly bears?

Only humans specifically hunt grizzlies. The gray wolf is the grizzly's historic rival for sustenance, but neither species specifically hunts the other.

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No way a hyena can kill a grizzly bear unless it hunt with packs

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In British Columbia, keep trying and you will find them

What hunts the grizzly bear?

The don't have preditors. Just humans hunt them.

What kind of gun would you use to hunt a grizzly?

a bebe gun