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If its the same as gold. walk up to snorlax and play the poke Flute station on your radio. Put it next to the snorlax and he will wake up. Once the battle is over he'll be gone.

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Q: How do you get to Digglett's Cave in Pikemon Silver?
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Where is diggletts cave in soul silver?

beside vermillion city

How do you get into diggletts cave on Pokemon Silver?

You have to move snorlax by obtaining a radio extension from the radio tower then switch the radio to pokeflute . Btw the snorlax is level 50

Were is snorelax blocking the cave in heargold?

right in front of diggletts tunnel in vermilion city you have to get the poke flute first to wake him up you get the poke flute by saving the power plant hi :)

How do you get Mr mime in Pokemon Blue version?

you have to have cut and a certain Pokemon Abra then go to vermillion city and go through diggletts cave and find a house and a man will trade you mr.mime for your Abra

What is in the silver cave in Pokemon Gold?

The Silver Cave is located in Mt. Silver in which you can go after you get all the Johto and Kanto badges. In the Silver Cave you can find lots of strong Pokemon and fight the final boss, Red at the top of the cave.

Where is the pikemon day care on heartgold?

right below Goldenrod City.

Pokemon Silver how to get into the cave with Mewtwo?

You can't get into cerullean cave(the cave with mewtwo in it) on Pokemon silver because according to the game's story, the cave has caved in, but there may still be some remmants of the cave you could get to via a gameshark.

Where you get moltres Pokemon Silver?

It will appear in Mt. Silver cave.

How do you get inside silver cave in Pokemon Silver?

You have to obtain all 16 badges, and then you can enter the building that leads to victory road to take a left to go into Silver Cave, a.k.a. Mt. Silver.

Where do you get larvatar?

M.t Silver Cave

How do you get waterfall in silver?

you get it in the ice cave

Where is cliff cave in soul silver?

cliff cave is right next to cianwood city through the cave