use moves that arent fighting or normal. use moves that r dark and ghost to kill it faster becuz its super effective. use all the other types until it kills it.
Dark attacks. I suggest something common such as bite which a lot of the early pokemon can learn
Haunter.... There isn't that many ghost types in firered besides the Gastly line which you can find in Lavender Town's Pokemon Tower
In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.
Gengar is a ghost type of Pokemon. You can get it using the duel slot by putting FireRed into the Gameboy slot.
To get Pokemon firered on PC download a vba and Pokemon firered ROM
shadow ball is the strongest ghost TM
You cannot catch the ghost in the Pokemon Tower until you reveal what it really is.
Technically yes and no a GHOST can't be captured but with the silph scope you can reveal the Pokemon's true identity which is gastly which is a ghost Pokemon so that makes sense.
yes its really a Pokemon only you need a special item to see them once you have it go back and the ghost is now a Pokemon
Dark and Ghost Pokemon can kill Psyhic pokemon.
Dark attacks. I suggest something common such as bite which a lot of the early pokemon can learn
You need the Silph Scope from the Rocket base in Celadon City, that will automatically reveal the Lv 30 ghost as a Marowak.
Haunter.... There isn't that many ghost types in firered besides the Gastly line which you can find in Lavender Town's Pokemon Tower
Lorelei- ice Pokemon Bruno- rock Pokemon Agatha- physic/ghost Pokemon Lance- Dragon Pokemon Last your rival Gary
Work your way to the top of the Pokemon Ghost Tower and defeat the Rocket Grunts.
In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.