

How do you kill Tails Doll?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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1. read over the rules of the curse

2. get a sonic plushy (not the others like knuckles or shadow and stuff).

3. play living in the city backwards in a locked room

4. when the red light shows, shout the reason why you want to defeat him, then shove the sonic plushy in its face.

5. make sure he sees' the sonic plushy

good luck, and, you might want to cut the gem of its head, if its possible.

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12y ago
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Well, the everything on the screen will be red, super sonic will be grey, and tails doll will still be its same color. If you see this run! Because tails doll will come out of the screen and kill you

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There is no female Tails. Therefore, there can't be a female Tails Doll.

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The Tails Doll is a character from Sonic R which is a doll version of Tails. It was built by Dr. Robotnik.

Is the Tails Doll afraid of anything?

I've heard that if you hold a Sonic doll in front of Tails Doll's face, he will get scared and leave. The Tails Doll is afraid of Sonic!

Why are people scared of the tails doll?

because people on the internet try to make the tails doll look and sound scary still belive in the tails doll but I sometimes think it is full of one should be scared of the tails doll. But they say in 2012 the tails doll will kill everyone but first the sonic fans,then Mario fans and so on. But I don't think so. Boy do I wish Silver was here so he could tell us.But I don't really think the tails doll is that scary,some of my friends say that the tails doll is kinda' cute. But for know,the tails doll keeps on scaring 1,2,3,4,5,6,and 7 year olds. You just need to watch your back and don't stay up after 11:00pm.