Whell you need to have a anit-dragon shield and talk to the knight
lol if you mean the kbd (king black dragon) you will need antifire pots and anti drag and ull need to be level 120+ so to solo your best bet is with a team
You're going to need armour and high combat stats. You're not going to kill a frost dragon with a bronze dagger and your rubbish bin lid at level 3. Sara Brews are recommended and a decent weapon like a Barrows weapon or even a Godsword. An Abyssal Whip is not recommended but it can be categorised as a decent weapon depending on the enemy. I'm not an expert at frost dragons because I buy the frost bones, I don't kill them for it.
You can make these yourself providing you have the materials and crafting level, otherwise you can do level 3 clues to get black dragon-hide pieces or you can just buy the set off another player or at the Grand Exchange.
yes. sell things in G.E. kill monsters lend rune weapons. (if you have bought one).
You can't make Dragon armour set, only the platebody and you need to do a quest plus have all 3 different parts to it along with 90 odd smithing. The parts alone are like 8m odd.
You have to kill something eventually, to gain a clue scroll, or during a clue scroll. Sorry. :3
You mean the King Black Dragon, I have placed a link below that should take you to a site where you can get the information directly.
a three headed dragon has 3 heads cough cough retard
Mutant 3 headed snake
.1 first you go to home .2 then you kill a lot of falador soldier .3 after, you have to be level 60 to have the swords .5 then you have it thanks Sasanyan2
3 planks and 90 nails.
if your talking about the one that the guy in white armor was fighting i dont think it is possible but mabe i wouldent know cause im not a member but i have completed all non member quests and that wasnt one of them
It is possible to receive a Dragon Platebody and it just depends on your luck to see if you get it.
The 3-headed dragon in Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is called "Chimera". It is a monster from Greek mythology with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.
King Black Dragon = 4Black Dragon = 3Giant Rock Crab ( Level - 192 ) = 3
If you're talking about the blind blue/black dragon, it evolves into the 2 headed one at 50. Then into the 3 headed Hydreigon at 65.
i think it's the golden 2 headed dragon and the 3 leaf clover. :)
Fire giants are level 85 in Runescape 3. They grant 424.8 experience points per kill.