pokemon always stay shiny. They never change, no matter how much you level them up, or when you evolve them. For as long as it lives, (Which is always, they don't die.) it will be shiny. Even if you trade it. Always. Hope I helped! :D
You have to keep the action replay code all shiny Pokemon activated or else you can not keep youre shiny Pokemon. You have to keep the action replay code all shiny Pokemon activated or else you can not keep youre shiny Pokemon.
Shiny Pokemon are exactly the same as others so lets say you have a shiny zubat like i do level it up and it will evolve to golbat and stay shiny! Keep leveling it up and it will become a crobat and still be shiny!
What do you mean how do you make a shiny Pokemon stay shiny if you get a shiny Pokemon it stays shiny ok!
If I want to get a shiny Pokemon then I use the Action Replay/Game Shark and Cheats but if you can't get it or something then when you are about to battle Suicune then save before you do and start battling him then if he is not a shiny Pokemon then just keep on trying.
Just be lucky. Keep fishing :P
You have to keep the action replay code all shiny Pokemon activated or else you can not keep youre shiny Pokemon. You have to keep the action replay code all shiny Pokemon activated or else you can not keep youre shiny Pokemon.
keep on looking for pokemon until they appear shiny
You just have to keep finding pokemon and eventually you will find a shiny. The chance of encountering a shiny pokemon is very low, but eventually you will find an shiny pokemon.
you don't need a ar code to catch and keep shiny Pokemon in Pokemon pearl all you need to do is find the shiny Pokemon you want and catch it and unless you release it you keep it.
Pick Swampert.
they stay shiny
To find shiney Pokemon there is a 1/1 000 000 chance to find a shiny Pokemon so keep looking
you can't make Pokemon shiny (Without the actionreplay) you have to find shiny Pokemon --------------------------- Ahaha no. See [Discussion] for more info, please. -Pursuit
luck. or you can save your game before you meet a pokemon, and keep on restarting until you get a shiny monster. you can also buy an action replay
They stay shiny no matter what,even if they evolve.(I know this because I caught a shiny slugma and I evolved it into a shiny magcargo.)
all you do is save right in front of them and keep turning it on and off until it is shiny
Shiny Pokemon are exactly the same as others so lets say you have a shiny zubat like i do level it up and it will evolve to golbat and stay shiny! Keep leveling it up and it will become a crobat and still be shiny!