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click on clan at the top then click search then search for the leader id or clan name then find the clan you want then click join clan

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Q: How do you join a clan on combat arms?
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Related questions

Where is the apply button to join a clan on combat arms?

Go to the clan tap and search for the clan that you want to join. You should find the button there.

What is the clan id in combat arms?

clan id.: the name of clan wich people will need to put in to join!!

In combat arms can a clan leader invite someone into their clan?


How can you recruit peopole to your clan in combat arms?

You can ask them to join, when they do, you can go to the clan tab to accept them into your clan. You can also right click on a player's name and click "Invite to Clan". If they accept they will be automatically applied to the clan. You can then go to the Clan tab and accept them into your clan.

How do you delete a clan on combat arms?

G0 To the clan settings and go Teminate Clan

How do you you delete a clan apProoval combat arms?

Go to Clan then go to Aplications then yeah

How do you leave a clan in combat arms?

go to clan options and select 'leave clan'. or just get an admin/leader to kick you.

Is there a chat room on combat arms?

Well, no not really. But you can talk in the channel lobby and rooms. You may also join a clan and talk with other clan members using the clan chat option. Many clans also use Ventrilo or Teamspeak to talk with mics within the clan.

How do you stop a pending clan request in combat arms?

you can't, you have to wait until the clan leader accepts or denies you

How do you create a clan in combat arms?

once you reach the required level you click on the clan button at the top right and hit create clan.

How do you get a level 2 for clan in combat arms?

either apply to 1 or make 1 and clan war it to lvl 2

How do you apply for a clan in combat arms?

To apply for a clan you first have to be a rank of R or higher. then go to the clan section, look up watever clan you want, and press, APPLY. you will have to submit a little bit about your combat arms self. personally i would suggest to apply to the clan, death sniper. its the one that i am on and there is 19 members. one more and nobody can comeon. my username is Fallen Raziel.