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Q: How do you install silver chaos with English patch?
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How do you install patch 1.1 of cod4?

u cant - Download the patch and patch 1.2. Then install patch 1.2 and it will be done I think

When is the full English patch for Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold coming out?

in march 2010

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i have you patch

Where can I find a Pokemon SoulSilver English and Anti-Freeze Patch?

Go to a torrent website every now and then and if there is a patch available grab it and then soul silver and heart gold will work without freezing.

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How do you install patch?

Patches are automatically downloaded and installed when released and as needed by the client. You do not have to do anything. IF the patch does not install you can email the company and they should send you a link to download the patch, or you can get it off the game's site.

How do you use a mirror patch wow?

Download the patch from a mirror. Double click the patch you just downloaded, should install itself.

How do you install a patch for The Sims 3?

when you go to the start up menu, you will see it will say updates; if there is any new patch, it will have an exclamation mark, then just click on updates, and install the new patch, but dont worry, there will be no patch if there isent an update :) hope it helped

What Maplestory character is stronger?

The strongest DPS at this time is the Mechanic. However this will soon change, in the Chaos patch they will be nerfed and their damage reduced. The Chaos patch isn't coming out for a few months though, so no worries if you want to make a Mechanic now.

How do you install patch in pes 2012 for PC?

First, you have to move the patch to your pes 2009. Then you just need to click on setup and then on the install button. Now you should be good to go.

How do you install a patch?

Download and run the file and the game will be automatically be patched.Here is the Latest patch if you need

Whenever I click an award on BF2142 the game crashes How do i fix this?

This is a bug with patch 1.5. Uninstall everything. Then install BF2142, patch 1.4 then patch 1.5. If you also have Northern strike, then your install sequence should look like this: BF2142 Patch 1.4 Northern strike Patch 1.4 again (no joke) Finally patch 1.5 Last, update punkbuster using pbsetup.exe.