Tunngle for LAN or Phoenix (to install and play single player steam games)
still looking into tournament MP.
xfer game onto thumb drive via 2nd pc.
Normally not but you can install a app where you can play it without disc.
Because I cant play Napoleon total war
i think u can go on steam that might help. just write steam into internet
Napoleon Total War has Napoleons campaigns and battles which are fun, but in the Grand Campaign there are only 4 playable factions: France, Great Britain, Russia, and Prussia. Empire Total War doesn't have the special campaigns but it's Grand Campaign allows for MANY more playable factions and will last you a lot longer.
yes, steam was only introduced to the total war series when empire tw was brought out
Yes it is possible if they are put into different folders on your hard drive. I have Shogun, Medieval and Rome including their expansion packs of Viking Invasion (for Medieval and Barbarian for Rome) on hard drive as well as both Empire and Napoleon Total Wars on my Steam account. All play perfectly well.
The total heat of steam, also known as enthalpy of steam, is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of water to its boiling point and then convert it into steam without changing its temperature. It is the sum of sensible heat and latent heat of vaporization.
xfer game onto thumb drive via 2nd pc.
Normally not but you can install a app where you can play it without disc.
No Napoleon is a game itself no expansion.
Because I cant play Napoleon total war
download the mod, install it too your rome total war (main) directory, set the launch options to -show_err -nm -mod:bi/ci by right clicking on whatever is your rome total war in the steam games menu and just run it
I am Guessing its your Graphic card I have Napoleon Total war and it don't work i need to get a new Graphic card Rome Total War is Quite Good BTW ;)
Yes / Put it this Way if a game is called Napoleon obviously you can play as him
Steam turbine nozzle clearance is the total energy content available in steam. This is through a valve.