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First you purchase them from the PlayStation Store. Then you download them and if your game category of the cross media bar shows the map DLCs in a bubble when you click on them they install

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Q: How do you install dlc map packs for ps3?
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When will the new dlc for black ops come to wii?

People hope that they will without any signs that it will be offered available from any source. The only sure information is that the last Treyarch Call of Duty World at War did not release a Nintendo Wii or Nintendo DS map pack although they did the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. All information points to the same result for the Call of Duty Black Ops Nintendo games. Since the Activision would make money selling the Map packs I expect Nintendo wants too much to licence the Map Packs for sale

Is the first strike map pack for wii?

No Only PC, PS3 & Xbox 360 and just like Call of Duty World at War the last Treyarch game with Zombies the Nintendo games do not get map packs.

What is the code for map ascension on black ops zombies?

There is no code for ascension. It is the zombie map in the first strike PS3, Xbox 360, & PC dlc sold for $15 or with the limited editions Call of Duty Black Ops for those game versions

When will new maps come out for call of duty black ops on Playstation 3?

All the Map Packs were released last year before the November 2011 release of Modern Warfare 3 and there will not be any new map packs. First Strike, Escalation, Annihilation, and Rezurrection were the names of the Call of Duty Black Ops Map Packs that were $15 each and sold only for the PC PS3 and Xbox 360 . Activision never sells map packs except for the newest game and Modern Warfare 3 is the newest Call of Duty Game and just starting to have map pack available for it.

When are the new maps for Modern Warfare 2 out on PS3?

I have heard from several sources that the map packs will come out on March 29th, or March 30. Or possibly in that time interval.

Related questions

How can you delete your dlc map packs on ps3?

Answer please :L

How do you play Nuketown Zombies on PS3 after you buy download AND install the map?

There is a category called dlc

How do you get the call of duty modern warfare map pack for the ps3?

You can buy the map packs from the playstation store then install them.

Why does downloadable content like MW2 map packs and GTAIV DLC come out on Xbox 360 before PS3?

Because they are two different systems, sometimes it might take longer to develop the DLC on a certain console.

When does the mw3 map pack come out for ps3?

Map packs for the PS3 come out a month after they come out for the Xbox.

When will the modern warfare map packs come out on PS3?

April 30th for ps3

Why does xbox get cod map packs earleir than ps3?

It is part of Microsoft licensing agreement with Activision that the DLC add ons are released 30 days earlier than other systems.

Do you get WWE 12 dlc for the wii?

I have a WII and I got the game but i think the dlc packs come with ps3 and xbox 360. I Hope I answered your question.

When is Rezurrection zombie map coming out for ps3?

Well as all of the map packs have been put a month after the xbox release it would be the 23rd september which is only a week away It is a DLC of 9 Maps and only 5 are zombie maps

How do you share your map packs in call of duty for the PS3?

To share maps packs you must go to the persons ps3 or give them your account email and password (not recommended) and you log on to their ps3 with your account and download the map packs, after they are downloaded they should be on their ps3 and they can log back into their account and they can use them. Hope this help :)

How do you get the zombie map moon in black ops?

Moon does not need to be unlocked, but it is only available with Rezurrection DLC Purchase

How many times you can download DLC in bo2 will the map be linked to my psn account or to the ps3 itself?

its for the whole ps3 system