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Download the mod, open minecraft.jar with an archiving program such as winzip, winrar, or 7zip (I recommend winrar), then put the files that should go in minecraft.jar in it, then delete the META-INF file, then download Audio Mod, then put that in minecraft.jar, then put the items from the Mo'Creatures mod that go in resources and put them there. BE SURE THE MODS ARE UP TO DATE! Go to to find them. Audio Mod is NOT required, but recommended, since if you don't have this mod, the new creatures won't have sounds. Also, be sure you have Modloader and Spawnlist. Spawnlist can be found on the same download thread as Modloader. The mod won't work without these. Be sure to back up the minecraft.jar file.

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Q: How do you install a Mo'Creatures mod on minecraft?
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